Are Your Expectations Failing You?





I've had low energy the last couple of days, so I asked myself why? Why is my energy low when normally it's super high?

We can tend to look outside of ourselves for the answer, I did that too, but it wasn't there. When I turned my attention inward the answer was staring me in the face.

I realized the energy vampire sucking the living daylights out of me was none other than DISAPPOINTMENT.

How can disappointment drain your energy?

That's what I have to discuss with you in this week's video. I'll also share what helped me move through this low vibe and back into high gear. Remember to share your thoughts and insights in the comments below the video.

And, if it inspires you, please share the video with those you know would benefit from it.

Thank you!

Love to you dear,
elizabeth XOXO

Soul Intuitive

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Jim Very nice, Elizabeth. Reminds me of The Vortex recordings of Esther Hicks channeling Abraham regarding relationship and they said the most important relationship with yourself. Abraham said that what you focus your mind on becomes your reality, good or bad. And the way to tell if something was good or bad was how it makes you feel. If merely thinking about something makes you feel bad, stop doing that! Both thinking about it and especially doing what you were thinking about doing. On the other hand, if thinking about doing something makes you feel good, then that was something that would be beneficial to who you are. Since focusing on something actually attracts that situation to you, it's a form of early warning system about what may lie ahead of you pursue this option or that one.

Another thing I found that drags me down is more environmental in nature and has to do with periodic emissions of energy from the Sun. These outbursts of energy from holes in the sun's magnetic field can take up to 2 days to reach the earth and raise the planet's "Kp index", which can be viewed online. However, I've found that I'm particuarly sensitive to these energy outburst from the moment they leave the Sun and that can be monitored through websites such as Spaceweather.com.
Rita Hello, thank you for sharing your heartfelt thoughts and feelings on your present mood. I personally have had many disappointments in my life but somehow I have learnt to move on and sadly expect less. I take pleasure in everyday small things. like a beautiful flower a lovely butterfly even clouds.   I love clouds you make lots of pictures from clouds. One of my great pleasures now is painting I love it.   I developed my talent for this lovely hobby several years ago when my friend bought me some crayons and I just took off, and now I have even sold a few of my paintings. I thank the day I developed my skills and this has given me so much pleasure. Perhaps, setting yourself a high standard isn't good for then you can fall and spiral down into disappointment. My philosophy is start small and learn to grow. My ambition is to hold a painting exhibition. Blessings to you.
Dawn OMG! Sychronocity at its finest! I have been struggling with how to manifest what I wanted with a # of things... perfectionism problem too. It makes me stumble over myself if I let it get that far. Sometimes just hearing someone else say they’re going through all of it too is comforting. Thank you for sharing how to shift all of the yuck out, L & L 😘
Clare Cusato Hi Elizabeth. I just wanted you to know that despite my limited involvement in your One Soul Membership group in the last few months, I am so glad to be able to rely on your tools and guidance to help me on my path. You are such a positive, generous and supportive person. Your bright light and goodness shine through. I know that in time your expectations will be in alignment with your outcomes. Until then, thank you for just continuing to be you and do what you do with such love, grace, and intention. Keep walking the walk and talking the talk. We will all get in step with you eventually. <3
Carmen Gueits I've been so stressed out since the beginning of this month and it's coming from my kids, me wanting to move out to a peaceful place even if it's out of n.j but my kids are my energy vampires and when I speak up I'm consider as being selfish lol cuz "GRANDMA" should be there for the grandkids but my health is not ok I'm HIV+ and suffer from mental illness when I wake up every morning I feel my body aching stiffness but I thank Jesus I alive and ready to face the day I would like to join your class but due to my fixed income it's hard all I ask mrs.harper keep me in your prayers last night I dreamed of a red feather but in the dream I was running dodging bullets real bullets as Iwent for cover there was the red feather and in my dream I said the angels I woke up to the alarm if you read this and have any guidance or something please send me a response Thank You I've been following you for years ,,💞☮️✌️
Margot Robartes For the last 22 months, I have lived in this lovely sunny home I rent and I have been 90% really happy. I am not often despondent (with low energy) unless my pain is terrible. I am a reasonably calm person, and although I’ve lived alone for 15 or 16 years, I’m never lonely, I consider my self to be so extremely fortunate. I’m a Txtile Artist when my hand is able to work properly and I am ALWAYS learning new abilities with my hands. I love it all. Also, I have loved all my months with   Elizabeth, she is the dearest and kings ndest woman with HUGE amounts ok knowledge, skills etc that she so generously shares with us all. We all love her to pieces in truth.
I still love her to pieces, but today I had a visitor who arrived in my bedroom where I’m sick in bed with bronchitis. That was a shock, but as she manages this property I rent, not a horrible surprise.
However her news was such a huge shock. The owners of my lovely warm, happy home had asked Sally to give me notice when my Tenancy expires on the 09th of August. The house will then be put on the market. So ch a shock. My energy just disappeared. Whoosh ....gone!!!
I talked to Sally and when she left I talked to my Guides, Angels, guardian Angel, The Source (or God) and my Dad.
I did some Tapping, deep breathing and then started sewing in the ends of a beautiful striped shawl my daughter knitted for hersel (I always sew her ends in) and I found I was becoming calmer with each stitch. I’d laid my cards on the table for my Team, and between the tapping and the sewing threads in, I was becoming more like my dear Saul self.
I’ve told them I want a house similar to this, the suburbs. My mother nearly 94 is one whole suburb away and my daughter and husband and children touch onto this suburb where I am living. I also need comparable rent.
So for a period of a number of hours Elizabeth, I had no energy at all. So I’m now at perhaps 30 x 50% back up again. I’m deeply disappointed as this is so lovely and my grandchildren walk here after school as I’m 2 houses away from the school grounds. Absolutely perfect. I’m feeling bronchitusy with chocked up chest, headache that is half the bug and half the antibiotics. With a great big dizzy spin going on as well. Yet I have such faith in my Team for all I only “know” what’s going on as I can’t see or hear. I will keep giving my energy nudges upwards and trusting in my Team. They haven’t let me down really unless it’s something they think is better their way, not mine. Tehehehe.
Hugs and Love 💖 💖💖💖💖
Aspasia Holley Divine timing as always Elizabeth! I have such a love/ resistance relationship with lists??? But, I have also been receiving guidance to do one for my future goals. This was extremely helpful. Thank you so much! Angel hugs.
Lydia For a couple few days I have been feeling drained and exhausted, now you are open my eyes even my mind is on positive wave I couldn’t get why it am so tired?! The job search was draining my energy a lot even tho I have let it go... still expecting miracles that someone would give me a call or would notice my CV I guess sucking energy now I’m seee:))) I have the vision how I would like thinks to fall into places I see this all steps that way should make towards my “desirable picture” but I see now still steps are missing! Thank you Elizabeth oxox
Sue Thank you for taking the time to share. As always with your videos I find inspiration for my own path or remember (as I did today) an element of creativity that I had forgotten. Make a list. So thank you and bless you for all that you do. " Sealed with love" from the UK ..Sue 💕💕💕💕💕
jadie milner These words so resonate and have felt exactly the same. I finally realised and I to had disappointment. I like you have issues of perfectionism, to help with the stress issues I have begun EFT therapy on myself something I know is so helpful I dont know why I don't do it more often! but I guess its like taking your vitamins sometimes you just forget
Thanks so much for this video, helps puts things together and insight.
Susan Thank you so much for this post Elizabeth. You could have been describing my last couple of days. I was disappointed that I didn’t achieve what I had planned the first day and my energy was even lower the next day.

I also have been ignoring guidance to make a list. Divine timing caused me to watch your post before I got out of bed today, so I’m going to start today with gratitude and positivity.

Thank you Elizabeth for your support and guidance, you are a beautiful soul 💕💫✨
Margot Robartes For the last 22 months, I have lived in this lovely sunny home I rent and I have been 90% really happy. I am not often despondent (with low energy) unless my pain is terrible. I am a reasonably calm person, and although I’ve lived alone for 15 or 16 years, I’m never lonely, I consider my self to be so extremely fortunate. I’m a Txtile Artist when my hand is able to work properly and I am ALWAYS learning new abilities with my hands. I love it all. Also, I have loved all my months with   Elizabeth, she is the dearest and kings ndest woman with HUGE amounts ok knowledge, skills etc that she so generously shares with us all. We all love her to pieces in truth.
I still love her to pieces, but today I had a visitor who arrived in my bedroom where I’m sick in bed with bronchitis. That was a shock, but as she manages this property I rent, not a horrible surprise.
However her news was such a huge shock. The owners of my lovely warm, happy home had asked Sally to give me notice when my Tenancy expires on the 09th of August. The house will then be put on the market. So ch a shock. My energy just disappeared. Whoosh ....gone!!!
I talked to Sally and when she left I talked to my Guides, Angels, guardian Angel, The Source (or God) and my Dad.
I did some Tapping, deep breathing and then started sewing in the ends of a beautiful striped shawl my daughter knitted for hersel (I always sew her ends in) and I found I was becoming calmer with each stitch. I’d laid my cards on the table for my Team, and between the tapping and the sewing threads in, I was becoming more like my dear Saul self.
I’ve told them I want a house similar to this, the suburbs. My mother nearly 94 is one whole suburb away and my daughter and husband and children touch onto this suburb where I am living. I also need comparable rent.
So for a period of a number of hours Elizabeth, I had no energy at all. So I’m now at perhaps 30 x 50% back up again. I’m deeply disappointed as this is so lovely and my grandchildren walk here after school as I’m 2 houses away from the school grounds. Absolutely perfect. I’m feeling bronchitusy with chocked up chest, headache that is half the bug and half the antibiotics. With a great big dizzy spin going on as well. Yet I have such faith in my Team for all I only “know” what’s going on as I can’t see or hear. I will keep giving my energy nudges upwards and trusting in my Team. They haven’t let me down really unless it’s something they think is better their way, not mine. Tehehehe.
Hugs and Love 💖 💖💖💖💖
Chelsea I set myself up for disappointment over and over. I relate. If I stop planning and let go I'm much happier and no stress. At peace finally.
Minoo I do lots for people but I don't get returned Iam always along


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Elizabeth Harper

Intuitive Healer, Spiritual Guide, Artist, Author

I have the unique ability to make accessing and understanding your intuitive gifts and healing talents easy. For over 30 years, I've guided people like you to become more in tune with who they are.

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