Healing Temple - Midweek Message

I picked a card for you today! It's time to rejuvenate your energy system. Relax, breathe in the lifeforce energy, the prana that is all around you. Rest in the unconditional love of your angel's embrace.
The Healing Temple is a safe haven, a nurturing space where you feel uninterrupted by day-to-day living. Your soul is inviting you to take a journey to this sacred space within.
On the banks of the lake is a guide, your angel, or maybe your Higher Self, waiting to support and guide you to this place of peace and serenity.
Notice the blue, violet, green, and white, high vibrational colors, inviting your heart to let go into the light.
Close your eyes and imagine bathing in the temple's light, receiving healing from light beings within the sanctuary.
Healing is 50% awareness. Once you are aware of the issue you are halfway to healing it. I invite you to read more about Healing Hues.
You are safe, you are healed, you are loved.
Remember to pick up your FREE Guiding Angel meditation