How Does Loneliness Impact You?


I've been thinking about loneliness and how the current way of living is impacting so many people in isolation.

Have you been feeling lost and lonely?

The signs aren't always obvious. You may not even realize how affected you've been.

We are energy beings. Oneness is our natural state. When we lose connection we can sometimes lose ourselves in that void.

A shift in energy can change this. How?

Yesterday, I joined one of my Soul Circle chats. It was wonderful! We shared, laughed, and connected, something many of us have learned to do virtually during this time with friends and family, but what about being in an environment that feeds your needs?


It's a panacea for the soul to be among those on the same wavelength.

When the Soul Circle sprang to life my intention focused purely on clearing energy as a group so we would continue to heal and grow.

But it's so much more and has become an important part of my world.

I hadn't realized how special it can be to navigate the ups and downs of life with fellow intuitive and spiritual travelers.

It's like having an extended family.

I've had a lot of reminders lately of how much we need connection, especially with those who have the same values as us, who "get" who we are. 

The Soul Circle is an immersion in all that brings joy and happiness to your life as an intuitive and spiritual being.

In the meantime, join me on Thursday at 4:44 PM EST inside my free facebook group, Living With Intuition for a Heart 2 Heart. I'd love to talk more about how you feel, how you're coping with the changes that have occurred this past year, where you're heading, and what you need right now to support you.

Lots of angel blessings to you,

Love, Elizabeth XOXO


I would love to welcome you into my Living With Intuition FREE Facebook Group


Remember to pick up your FREE Guiding Angel Meditation


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Elizabeth Harper

Intuitive Healer, Spiritual Guide, Artist, Author

I have the unique ability to make accessing and understanding your intuitive gifts and healing talents easy. For over 30 years, I've guided people like you to become more in tune with who they are.

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