Inside a Soul Silk

Soul Rainbow

Seeing Through Elizabeth’s Eyes

Elizabeth merges her clairvoyant skills, color wisdom, and visionary art to lovingly create a personal SOUL RAINBOW on a large silk veil that can be worn, spread on a bed or altar, draped on a chair or hung on a wall. A SOUL RAINBOW silk carries the vibration of your true colors and the radiance of your inner glow. Silk is a high vibrational weave of fibers with a cellular pattern similar to crystals, and like crystals it can literally raise your vibration to match its own. Watch the video of how a Soul Rainbow silk is created freehand. Each custom silk comes with a written interpretation of the colors, influences, and messages that emerged during its creation. Find out more and order your custom silk >

A Personal Soul Rainbow Story 

This is the fourth video Elizabeth made of a Soul Rainbow silk created freehand using 5 dyes - 3 of them were yellow! She sent the video to the lady she created the silk for and this was her wonderful response:

"I am beyond speechless. And so touched. My mouth literally hung open as I watched you paint the gorgeous silk. It is so beautiful. Such a work of art. You were SO tuned into my energy. You may find it fascinating to know that:


One of my taglines (and you may notice that it is also how I end every email) is "Legal Love" and I often use a heart in my marketing. The double-hearts really resonated with me as well (partly because I am a Gemini so I always have 2 parts - and also because I believe I have a twin flame). Being part of a tribe is also important to me - you are right about that.


For years, spirals have been important to me. My huge coffee tables has spirals. My curtain rods used to be spirals. My parents went to New Zealand and brought me back a spiral (fiddlehead) silver necklace which represents "new beginnings". I went to the Institute of Integrative Nutrition to become a Holistic Health Coach and IIN's symbol is a spiral. And I was the president of a local chapter of the Junior League which is an international women's organization - a big tribe of charitably-minded women. Of course, we have our online tribe of Woos as well. Amazing.


I do have a strong intention to connect to the chakras. I bring chakras into my legal work (which is unheard of as a lawyer!) and equate each of my 7 legal steps to a different chakra. The chakras and energy clearing is very important to me, and I have been trying to free blocks in my sacral and solar plexus chakras a lot lately.

"I am just in awe. You are magical. This is one of the most personal touching gifts I have ever received, and I am so, so grateful. Thank you from the bottom of my heart." Lisa Fraley, JD, Legal Coach + Attorney, lisafraley.com






Want to know your SOUL RAINBOW COLORS?

Soul Rainbow Silk

A SOUL RAINBOW silk is a special gift, beautiful and unique, just like YOU!! It is a high vibrational piece of wearable art offering you a glimpse at your own personal soul colors.


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Elizabeth Harper

Intuitive Healer, Spiritual Guide, Artist, Author

I have the unique ability to make accessing and understanding your intuitive gifts and healing talents easy. For over 30 years, I've guided people like you to become more in tune with who they are.

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