Leo Full Moon Pick a Card Angel Messages

IMPORTANT LINKS >>>Sign up for the HEALING WITH THE ANGELS mini-course<<<

Happy Full Moon in Leo. Look back at what you've been creating this past month, and what you can create in your next step moving forward.

These Leo Full Moon Angel messages will offer guidance to help you navigate your way.

Place your hands over your heart and invite the Angels to guide you to select from messages 1, 2, or 3. You can choose more than one message. Watch the video for the Full Moon message and then you can go straight to your message.

✨Angel Full Moon Message for everyone 0:58
✨ Message 1 Date with Destiny: 3:26
✨ Message 2 Michael, Prince Charming of Protection: 7:11
✨ Message 3 Three Wishes: 10:40

Did the messages and healing speak to you? Let me know with a comment, a 💖, or a YES! Share your insights, intuitions, wisdom, what came up for you?

💖 Spread the love. Let others know they can pick a message. 

👉 YOUR NEXT STEP >>>Sign up for the HEALING WITH THE ANGELS mini-course<<<

Thank you so much for watching. I will see you next week

Lots of angel blessings to you,




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Elizabeth Harper

Intuitive Healer, Spiritual Guide, Artist, Author

I have the unique ability to make accessing and understanding your intuitive gifts and healing talents easy. For over 30 years, I've guided people like you to become more in tune with who they are.

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