March Mid-Week Energy Message

We're choosing from two sets of cards, Littel Red Devils, these hold the shadow energy that we may have buried within us or we're witnessing its emergence in our communities (Devil is Lived backwards, energy in reverse).
And we select an Angel card to help us to balance the energy and bring us back into a state of wholeness.
Did the messages of love speak to you?
💖 Spread the love. Let others know they can pick a message.
Healing With the Angels
Invoke the Angelic frequency for healing, guidance, and support. In this beautiful course, you will learn:
✨ the 3 things your Angels want you to know now
✨ 5-minute daily practices to connect with your energy
✨ how to plug into the Angelic vibration to inspire the universe's blessings for the next step on your journey.
Thank you so much for watching. I'll see you next week.
Keep shining your light!
Love & angel blessings to you,