PASSIVE LISTENING What Your Choice in Music Says About You!

One of my favorite sayings is where attention goes energy flows. It means, whatever you're focusing on - the thought that rolls around your mind, the feelings that continually ripple through your core - are being fed by the energy you send them.

Focus on love and that's what you create.
Focus on fear and ..... you create an environment for that too!

Last night, my husband Win and I went to an a cappella evening, a fundraser for our community arts center. ​​There was an all-girl group from the local University who sang a catchy song by Bebe Rexha called, "I'm a mess." It was my first time hearing it and it sounded great, but when I got home and checked out the words I wasn't quite so enamored. It's kinda negative.

You know what happens with those catchy songs right! They get stuck in your mind and your energy. Before you know it, you're singing the words over and over again, until eventualy you're reciting the song on your way to work or in your morning shower. It's totally subconscious, and that's the danger. It's OK if the words act as positive affirmations, but they frequently aren't!

That's what happens when you listen to songs. It's really easy to add them to your device and just as effortless to download them into your right brain. The basis of how positive affirmations work is that you repeat them. Repeatedly listening to the same song can have a similar impact.  

It's a shame because it's a really cute song, and there are plenty of songs just like that one with similar messages, but I made a conscious choice to be mindful of the energy I'm taking on. Not just what I eat, my environment, my friends, the clothes I wear, and the movies I watch, I also realize the power of PASSIVE LISTENING. For instance, you might have the news on in the background as you're making dinner and THINK you're not listening, but some part of you is on alert. You absorb vibrations, sounds and words are vibrations and they have power!

What got me thinking about this is that in INTUITIVE SOUL CIRCLE, my exclusive membership, we're focused on the energy of LOVE this month. Every day I offer a question for all of us to ponder. Questions help us navigate our values and our truth. 

So my question for you is - What song or songs are you listening to and is there a positive or negative message within the words that are impacting your life right now? 

💡 Share your insights, intuitions, and light blub moments in the comments below

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Elizabeth Harper

Intuitive Healer, Spiritual Guide, Artist, Author

I have the unique ability to make accessing and understanding your intuitive gifts and healing talents easy. For over 30 years, I've guided people like you to become more in tune with who they are.

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