πŸ’– Pick a Card Your Angels Have a Message For You - April 20-26

πŸ’– Place your hands over your heart like angel wings, then invite your angels to guide you to pick a card or a crystal (celestite, malachite, ruby) selecting either 1, 2, or 3 for a message from their heart to yours. You can watch all the messages or go straight to your personal number, but you might miss something, so use your intuition, maybe there's an additional message for you. The message times take you to the beginning of sharing the choices:

πŸ‘‰ MESSAGE 1: 2:11

πŸ‘‰ MESSAGE 2: 8:33

πŸ‘‰ MESSAGE 3: 19:11


Did the messages speak to you? Let me know with a comment, a πŸ’– or a YES! Share your insights, intuitions, wisdom, what came up for you?

πŸ₯° Spread the love. Let others know they can pick a message.

I mentioned my new SOUL SHINE course. I'd love to welcome you in. We start on the 22nd April - EARTH DAY. It's also the day of the New Moon, a perfect time to get things moving, plus it's flavored by Uranus, planet of the unexpected change, so we're in for a big shift. Are you in? FIND OUT MORE HERE>>>

I would love to welcome you into my Living with Intuition free Facebook group.

Thank you so much for watching. I will see you next week

Lots of angel blessings to you,
Love, elizabeth XOXO



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