The Power of Us

Ever get the feeling that you know there's a message hidden within an experience you're going through, but try as you might you can't quite figure out what it means?

That's when it's good to be able to share what's going on for you with others, get feedback on your experience and support for your next step.  I'm there for you in my intuitive guidance and spiritual mentoring sessions, but group work can be even more powerful. Why? Because there are a multitude of voices.

I just returned from teaching a workshop at the Omega Institute. I LOVE to create the space for learning and growth for both myself and others. When we come together in these environments we can achieve so much more than when we do it alone. I can't tell you how many "aha" moments occured during this past weekend and I'm so honored to be the conduit for that to happen.

What was your most recent AHA MOMENT
and who did you share it with?

I made an intention this year to spend more time connecting with people, after all, life as a lightworker, solopreneur, and empath can get a little lonely sometimes. Of course, as an introvert it hasn't been easy to step into the role of adventurer, but the reward has been amazing.

I continue to meet in person and online, incredible souls who remind me why I made a choice to follow this path.

What are you doing to get from where you are NOW
to where you want to be?

My belief is that we are here to grow, to get to know ourselves better, to realize the light within us, and to know the truth of who we are. You can probably do that alone, achieve enlightenment, maybe by meditating in a cave somewhere by yourself. And that may be your destined path in this lifetime. It isn't mine.

While meditation is a HUGE part of my life, I recognize that in this Age of Aquarius, aligning with source can be way easier when it's groupcentric. I've been thinking a lot about this lately.

⭐️ Let me know in the comments what your soul is guiding you to do and if you're listening and following that guidance? ⭐️



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Elizabeth Harper

Intuitive Healer, Spiritual Guide, Artist, Author

I have the unique ability to make accessing and understanding your intuitive gifts and healing talents easy. For over 30 years, I've guided people like you to become more in tune with who they are.

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