Unlock the Mysteries of the Spirit Realm:
Join 'Sacred Connections' for a 44-Day Odyssey into the Heart of Your Spiritual Team!
Learn How To Connect & Communicate With Your Guides
A Daily Angel Meditation Journey To Illuminate Your Path Ahead & Call In More Clarity, Confidence & Abundance
When you're facing a challenge, do you...
...yearn for connection with your guides and angels but haven't devoted time to strengthening communication?
...read books and take courses, but you're no closer to knowing your Spirit Team and what their purpose is in your life?
...know your Spirit Team is there and can feel the presence of an angel or guide, but have yet to directly receive their guidance?
...receive signs that you're being guided, but you don't know how to interpret the messages?
>> make clear decisions <<
>> clear blocks, patterns, and fears that stand in the way of happiness <<
>> guide and support you when you're stressed and struggling <<
>> recognize your next step <<
Imagine your life full of magic and joy as you...
★ ...access infinite wisdom, support and love whenever and wherever you needed it.
★ ...build a bridge between heaven and earth, while connecting with and receiving guidance from your personal spirit team.
★ ...uplift your vibration and increase the frequency of your energy.
★ ...access to the unlimited potential of your true self and the miraculous abundance the universe has to offer.
★ ... navigate your soul's mission with greater ease and clarity.

The signs are all around you...
Your Guides and Angels send you signs all the time letting you know that they're with you. But when you get that sign you need to figure out what it means.
What if you could ask your Guides and Angels exactly what those signs and symbols mean FOR YOU?
What if you could easily and effortlessly communicate with your Guides and Angels whenever you want?
What if you could receive answers to ALL of your questions at any given moment?
One question I'm asked most is, 'Who are my guides and angels?' followed by, 'How can I communicate with them?'
I've been teaching people how to connect with their Spirit Team for the past 30 years. Now more than ever, you need to know that you have a loving, supportive team by your side 24/7.
I will lead you from a place where you believe it isn't possible to go beyond, to where you discover you can experience so much more than you realized. This is why I created SACRED CONNECTIONS"

You didn't incarnate without heavenly support.
You chose a devoted team of light beings to assist and guide you on this journey.
Your heart to heart connection with your Guides and Angels - is so strong that you found your way here. It reveals that YOU ARE indeed receiving guidance, you just might not realize it.
Your spirit team is waiting to connect, offer guidance, and answer your questions.
Whatever your destination, let your guides and angels be your compass.

Sacred Connections is a unique program of channeled meditations, soul lessons and practices. Each day's meditation was live stream channeled from the highest source of light, guiding you to reconnect with a team of light beings who agreed to offer wisdom and support as you journey home to your divine self.
You'll discover the most beautiful, enlightening, supportive, healing, and all-embracing love of your own personal SPIRIT TEAM of Light Beings. You'll learn:
>> who is on your Spirit Team <<
>> names they are known by <<
>> how they reveal themselves to you <<
>> why they're with you and MORE! <<
Remember, your Guides & Angels want to connect with you
just as much as you want to connect with them
★---Channeled Meditations---★
★---Soul Lessons---★
You can have access to
infinite wisdom and
unlimited Divine guidance

Her soothing presence and loving nature are transmitted through her guided meditations.
"Her soothing presence and loving nature are transmitted through her guided meditations. They feel like a one-on-one session. I have never found a guided meditation to be more healing than those Elizabeth creates. The results in my life are undeniable! Each time I sit down to one of her meditations it’s like opening a precious gift..."
Allison Rolfe, USA - Praise from the Past Life Healing Journey Through the Chakras course

Elizabeth's words got me thru a huge block of fear that I've never been able to get past in any other meditation.
"Elizabeth's words got me thru a huge block of fear that I've never been able to get past in any other meditation. I would get very real pain that was so bad I couldn't go any further, no matter how many times I stopped and tried to do it again. When Elizabeth said " You are the light " I knew in that moment I was connected to all that is and that my guides and angels are with me all the time. It was the most amazing feeling."
Brenda Lee Norquay, Canada - Praise from the Connecting with Your Guides & Angels course

I learned so much about myself and the guidance and support that always surrounds me.
"I got to experience the incredible love, peace, compassion, joy, gratitude and lightness of connecting with guides and angels and other energetic beings/states. Elizabeth is just the most loving, reassuring, kind and gracious teacher always ready with a smile and a sense of “hugging” everyone making one feel welcome and included. I feel “expanded” and can’t wait to continue to learn and grow with Elizabeth, this tribe and the spirit team I am blessed to connect with."
Carleen Sterner, USA - Praise from the Sacred Connections course

I really got to know who my Guides and Spirit Team and have learned to communicate more directly with them.
"Of course, I always love Elizabeth Harper’s meditations anyway, but I really got to know who my Guides and Spirit Team were during that 44 days and have learned to communicate more directly with them. That is a very powerful tool for me that I now use every day. Elizabeth is amazing and so comfortable and delightful to work with always!"
Tina Willard, USA - Praise from the Sacred Connections course
Sign up for Sacred Connections, you'll receive a welcome email, and then we begin the 44-day journey together inside the course.
Daily meditations are 15-20 minutes and are designed to help raise the energy as one with others taking the program no matter when you join, building on the energy of previous days.
You'll begin to sense your Spirit Team from day one, going from unsure of who your guides and angels are, to feeling confident and committed to the partnership.
Each week you'll develop greater awareness and understanding as you align with the loving guidance of your devoted team of light beings.

On DAY ONE we'll focus on the foundation of meditation, grounding into the earth, centering, and being the light. With daily practice it will get easier to connect with the energy around you as you attune to your team of guides and angels.
An amazing team of light beings who support you. You'll learn their purpose and why each has chosen to be by your side.
You have a variety of light beings on your team. You'll learn how to distinguish between your guides and angels.
Each light being communicates in their own individual way. You'll learn the calling card of each member of your team.
You'll meet your Spirit Team, learn who is guiding you at the moment, get your questions answered and learn to channel their guidance and wisdom. You might have any number of Spirit Guides and Angels on your team. You have personal guides and angels who work just with you during this lifetime, plus a global team who work with more than one person. We'll be calling in your:

On DAY 44 you'll prepare for your continuing journey with your Spirit Team. They will guide, support, love and be there for you through thick and thin. Your relationship with them is magical and long lasting, after all, they came here with the intention of working with you as a team. Now it's your time to fly with them.
Coming together with others who have similar intentions can help raise your energy higher than when meditating alone. The recordings have higher energy resulting in deeper connections and greater awareness, especially as the meditations are channeled and draw on the collective consciousness of the group dynamic.

Meditation promotes
a deep sense of
inner peace and relaxation.
Hello, I'm Elizabeth Harper
As your guide, my purpose is to remind you that you are not alone.
It's my mission to guide you know and communicate with your own personal spirit team of guides and angels. Aligning with their guidance and strengthening your connection so that you can be confident that the messages you receive are coming from your Guides and Angels.
Through my award-winning books, popular weekly YouTube video series, and magazine articles, I’ve helped thousands of people like you access their intuitive gifts, discover new ways to heal wounds that stand in the way of success, and realize their soul’s purpose over the last 30 years.
One of my SUPERPOWERS is my ability to channel powerful and transformative meditations.
Meditation is probably the most beneficial practice you can do for spiritual development. I’ve been meditating since childhood. It makes me feel peaceful and helps me to breeze through anything that comes my way. AND it helps me to communicate with and receive messages from my spirit team.
I want this for you too!

"Elizabeth Harper is a gifted teacher and intuitive."
Her workshops at Omega have helped students from around the world find their own inner compass. Not only does she know her subject matter inside and out, but she is also a truly giving and genuine person. She walks her talk and that is a gift indeed!"
Elizabeth Lesser, Cofounder, Omega Institute for Holistic Studies

Health Benefits of Meditation
Meditation calms the mind, stimulates the immune system, and reduces stress. Much research has been undertaken with positive results, which is probably why meditation is gaining momentum in the medical world.
Benefits include:
♡ Lower blood pressure
♡ Lower cholesterol
♡ Increased concentration
♡ Reduced pain
♡ Improved sleep
♡ Relief for depression
♡ Anti-aging
♡ Enhances Immunity to infection

Spiritual Benefits of Meditation
Meditation balances the left and right brain hemispheres, forging deeper connections between you and your intuitive genius, your spirit team and soul. As a daily practice, meditation is key to awareness and enlightenment.
Benefits include:
𑁍 Heightened awareness
𑁍 Sense of peace
𑁍 Stronger connection to Guides & Angels
𑁍 Feelings of contentment
𑁍 Accessibility to Divine Guidance
𑁍 Understanding of personal experiences
𑁍 Greater sense of self
𑁍 Recognition of purpose

Meditation is an altered state of consciousness leading to a path of healing
Any tool that can help us connect to a deeper aspect of ourselves is a valuable asset for self-healing, self-knowledge, and enlightenment. Meditation changes brainwave patterns, and releases serotonin - a happy hormone.
When you're relaxed your breathing and heart rate slows, blood pressure normalizes, and all the symptoms of stress dissipate. Relaxation alone doesn’t have this same effect.
...Click the video, close your eyes, relax, and listen to two short soundbites from DAY ONE of Sacred Connections.

When do I get access?
Are the meditations downloadable?
How long do I have the meditations for?
What if the course isn't for me?
Is Sacred Connections a live course?
How do I contact support?
Meditation is the most beneficial practice you can do for spiritual development.
- deepen your connection with your guides and angels
- know without a doubt who is guiding you
- decipher the difference between each member of your Spirit Team
- understand and interpret the messages your Guides and Angels send you
- develop your innate intuitive gifts
- receive answers to your most profound questions
- increase your vibration and develop spiritually
- be inspired and share ideas with a trusted team who care about your well-being
- strengthen your connection in support of your work as a Light Worker
- have access to "the bigger picture" of all your decisions
- align with the frequency of light and the abundance of blessings this has to offer

"I was sure it would be wonderful...but it has been far more and better than I could have ever imagined."
"The past 44 days have been so amazing and an incredible experience on this Journey of Daily Meditations. I was sure it would be wonderful and good for me to be so disciplined meditating every day to communicate with my Spirit Guide Team, but it has been far more and better than I could have ever imagined. I am so grateful to you for offering this opportunity, to all the other members who joined this journey, and for your leadership. Much Love and Appreciation"
Bonnie Stillwater, USA, Praise from the Sacred Connections course