Did You See the Angel Orb?


This past week, my beautiful friend Christine VanCoughnett taught an Akashic records Masterclass inside One Soul, my Inner Circle membership. She's a master teacher and healer and shared over 2 hours of solid gold wisdom, so it's no surprise to see an orb move through her space. I didn't see it! Stephanie, one of our members spotted the spirit energy fly past her knee.

Watch the video. In the slow motion part you'll see to the right a light orb come flying through the frame. I named it an ANGEL ORB. Why? Well, because it looks like an angel, wings and all. When I isolated the image - and you can't see it very well here - the orb seemed to be made of a string of hearts.

So, what is an orb?

Orbs are points of light that don't necessarily appear to the naked eye. I believe there are a variety of reasons for their presence. As communication between the earth and spiritual planes. As messengers too. They often appear around creative pursuits like music events, or spiritual gatherings.

Orbs are present in many of the photos taken at my workshops and circles. Sometimes the orb might simply be a reflection of light, but when it's moving through a space and it's not coming from something physical, what else could it be?

That's me in the lilac and pink in the middle of the photo. This was taken in one of my workshops at the Omega Instiute. You can see orbs all around, they look like fairy spirals. I believe that, when we're in a place of joy that is when these energies appear. It's not necessarily a spiritual joy, it's love, happiness, wisdom, whatever makes your heart sing for your highest and greatest good. 

We're seeing more evidence of these bridges between heaven and earth. They're a welcome part of the lifting veil. Slowly our worlds are reconnecting.

What do you think? 💡
Share your insights, intuitions, and lightblub moments in the comments below.

The Akashic Records Masterclass inside my INNER CIRCLE was amazing! Transformative, enlightenining and incredibly powerful. As a VIP member you can take the class plus get access to courses and classes on healing, mediumship, dreams, angels, and more, in addition to twice weekly live sessions, meditations, readings, and a wonderful community of spiritual cheerleaders.

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Thank you so much for watching. I will see you next week

Lots of angel blessings to you,
Love, elizabeth XOXO

Remember to pick up your FREE Guiding Angel meditation



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Elizabeth Harper

Intuitive Healer, Spiritual Guide, Artist, Author

I have the unique ability to make accessing and understanding your intuitive gifts and healing talents easy. For over 30 years, I've guided people like you to become more in tune with who they are.

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