Everything Is Energy And It All Has a Vibration


Every day I go out to feed the birds. There's always the one who says "thank you!"

We are keepers for the earth, her garden, and all who live on her.

We have this wonderful intelligence, that offers us the opportunity to make a choice about who we show up to be each day.

We can be the healer, wise woman, lover, mother, and sometimes the victim.

Patterns are being created in the heavens by celestial bodies, lining up something of a rollercoaster for our emotions.


silhouette photo of mountain during night time

Remember the saying, the wise one understands the stars, and the fool is ruled by them.

When we as a global community get all bent out of shape because of a planet's movement - or anything for that matter - then we create a combined force of inevitability.

My point is, thought creates.

If you're concerned that Mercury Retrograde will stop you from communicating with your loved ones, then you'll be right.

If you worry about the possible relationship problems you might have when planets collide, then you'll be right....

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You Chose To Be Here, Now What?


Have you noticed how much we've changed in the past few years, with various movements bringing awareness and a voice to those who have largely been ignored?

Problems arise when we think of ourselves as separate from victims and perpetrators.

My belief is there is no separation, we are ONE. And while this may not be a popular opinion, I believe we choose on a soul level to be the catalyst for change.



Globally this perception that we are separated by race or any other difference between us, does not reflect my value of equality.

We are all equal, and until this is embraced on a planetary level, humanity can't grow.

As human beings, we can stand by or take a stand.

While there may be a desire to judge, we all play a role in what is happening in our world, whether directly or as a witness to it.

We can make a difference in our actions and reactions to what we know is an injustice, not just with current events, but with all acts that display inequality.


red and white i m a little girl i m a little girl i m a m


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